A Love that was Never Mine

Aurora Chérie
May 13, 2023


Photo by Keenan Constance

​I knew, deep down I did but I let myself hope and in hoping I began to fall. I wasn’t planning on liking you and yet somehow I did.

Our love was timed before it even began. We were given an expiry date before we began to exist. I want to spend time with you, but I dread making memories that would make it harder to forget you.

It hurts losing someone that was never mine. Better you than me I guess and viz-a-viz. In the end, it would suck more to keep each other and lose ourselves.

I guess this is goodbye. It hurts a lot, but I’m not a stranger to pain.



Aurora Chérie

Pen to Paper, Thoughts to Words. A glimpse of the world as it should be. dahwn.blogspot.com